Style Guide
It can be frustrating to notice sweat and deodorant stains on your favourite bra. You will find a variety of cleaning products to remove stains. The items discussed in this blog are inexpensive and easily accessible at home. You can try these simple hacks to remove tough deodorant stains without damaging your bra. Knowing how to wash a bra is a useful skill for keeping your bra in good condition.
Blame the sweat glands—eccrine and apocrine. When sweat mixes with aluminium from deodorant, it turns yellow and leaves stains. Deodorant stains may appear near the sides of the band and below the armpit. If you notice yellow stains, you should switch to an aluminium-free deodorant and antiperspirant. Apart from the said chemical combination, using any kind of deodorant can stain a bra.
If you want to remove white deodorant streaks from your bra, you can wipe them clean with pantyhose or nylon tights. Roll the tights or pantyhose to make a ball and rub it on the streak. This hack works with all colours and will keep your bra safe. You can add a little salt for stubborn stains.
Mix the lemon juice with an equal amount of cold water. Rub the mix on the stains using a scrubber or toothbrush. Let it to rest for an hour, and then wash it as usual. This works only for white bras. Do not try this hack on coloured bras.
Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar with water. Soak the bra for an hour or two, depending on the stain. Remove it from the mix and wash them.
You have to get the ratio right! Make a paste with baking soda and water in a 3:1 ratio. Therefore, you will need 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. Apply the paste on the stains and leave it under the sun for a few hours. Remove the paste and hand wash or machine wash your bras. You can use a bra laundry bag to safely wash them in the machine.
This is an interesting fact! Don’t you think? The salicylic acid in aspirin tablets works as an effective cleaning agent. You can use 5–6 aspirin tablets and mix them with a teaspoon of water. Apply the thick paste to the stained area for an hour. Scrub and wash as usual.
You can combine hydrogen peroxide with dish soap to remove deodorant stains from your bra. You can buy it from any pharmacy. Mix 3 spoons of dish soap with 6 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Use a brush or scrubber to apply it to the stained spot. Leave the mix for an hour and wash the bra.
Use only the said amount of hydrogen peroxide; otherwise, it can bleach the fabric.
Use a wet wipe or even makeup remover wipes to quickly remove deodorant marks from your clothes and bra. You can try this hack for fresh stains.