Yes, I would! The bra fence we are talking about is located in Cardrona, one of the highly popular ski resorts in New Zealand. This rural fence boasts thousands of bras in various styles, colours and designs. Although this fence is a subject of many controversies, it’s still a tourist attraction to which visitors from many nations around the world flock together.
This fascinating fence with bras stretched as far as the eye could see might have a mysterious beginning and an interesting story. It not only pulls in many tourists from various parts of the world but has also turned into a fundraising spot for breast cancer. Let’s take a more detailed look at this fence so that you will know why I would love to hang my bra on it!
How Did Bras Get on This Roadside Fence?
Several theories point to the creation of the Cardrona bra fence. However, even today, we cannot surely say which of them is true. According to some sources, four girls stayed at the Cardrona Hotel to celebrate the dawn of the new millennium. As they left the pub together, each of those girls hung her bra on the fence located near the hotel. They wanted it to be a sign of celebrating and welcoming the millennium. However, the connection between hanging bras on a fence and the coming of the new century is known only to those girls!
Another source says that a person spotted a couple of bras on the fence, word of which started getting around. Soon, the bras started increasing in number until hundreds of them were seen on the fence. Hundreds became thousands, and the rest is history! Over the years, people playfully started calling the fence, “Bradrona!”
How Did People React to the New Zealand Bra Fence?
The oh-so-attractive rural fence of Cardrona was not liked by all. Some residents felt defensive and thought that the addition of undergarments cheapened their area. Many called it an “eyesore.” A few locals cited the fence as a “traffic hazard” and removed the bras with the help of the local council in 2006.
However, supporters of the fence started adding bras once again. The opponents got rid of the bras while the supporters graced the fence with a new collection of bras. John Lee, one of the sheep farmers in the region, had become the (unofficial) guardian of the fence and the surrounding area. He was against removing the bras because most of the letters received from other states and countries had positive views about the fence. He also insisted that people from far and near were attracted to the site, which became the most photographed tourist location!
Thus, the battle between the fans of the bra fence and their opponents went on till 2014. Finally, the fence was relocated and its supporters were allowed to carry their ritual of tying bras to the fence for a worthy cause this time, which was raising money for people with breast cancer.
What Improvements Were Made to the Bra Fence?
Very soon, chicken wire was added to the fence so that the bras would not flap widely, causing hazards to people on the road close to the fence. In addition, a makeshift sign and an honesty box for breast cancer were installed in front of the Bradrona fence. It also garnered a lot of media attention and the contributions to the box were passed on to breast cancer charity.
What Is the Result of the Bra Hanging in New Zealand?
The sparkling popularity of the fence not only made thousands of tourists stop by and pose in front of it or leave their bras on it but also made them donate some money. Initially, the donations to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation from the bra fence were around $200 every day. According to Lakes Weekly, as of 2023, Bradrona has raised $150,000 for the Breast Cancer Foundation.
It’s been more than 20 years since the first bras were hung, yet the fence continues to fascinate more and more tourists. And definitely, Bradrona is drawing the attention of visitors, tourists and locals, while bringing awareness about breast cancer in quite a unique way.
Is It Possible to Send Your Bras to Bradrona?
Yes! If you cannot visit Cardrona in New Zealand, you can just send your bras over to the following address:
2125 Cardrona Valley Road,
RD1, Wānaka 9381,
New Zealand.
Why Would I Like to Hang My Bra on the Fence?
I would be proud to hang my bra on the New Zealand Cardrona bra fence because I would be joining a large number of people in supporting a noble cause. Moreover, it would be a sign of acknowledging the efforts of thousands of women (over the years) in making contributions to the fence. Each of these women has parted with something crucial in their daily lives - their bras. Adding my bras to the fence is a testament to the fact that women can work together to achieve a social cause, which is raising breast cancer awareness.